Electronic Enclosures; Five Effective Electrical Safety Tips

Categories: Electronic Enclosures

Over the last few years, electronics enclosure sales have skyrocketed, as have numerous other items designed to help provide additional safety and security regarding electrical safety, and for good reason too. Electrical safety is no laughing matter, and is something that must be respected and taken seriously. Failing to do so can lead to severe consequences, possibly even death, so now that we really have your attention, here’s a look at five effective electrical safety tips designed to keep you safe whilst working with electricity and electrical appliances.

Never Overload Extension Cords

Extension cords are of course designed to allow you to plug multiple electrical appliances into the extension cord sockets, which in turn get their power from one plug outlet in the wall. However, one error that many people are guilty of, without realising the danger they’re placing themselves, and their families in, is not only plugging multiple electrical appliances into an extension cord, but actually running additional extension cords from the original extension and plugging yet more items into them. This could overload the sockets which in the best case scenario would trip your electricity supply, and worst case scenario could cause a house fire.

electronic enclosures

Make Use of Electronic Enclosures

Electronic enclosures are not only designed to keep the electrical elements and supplies of various products neat and well organised, they’re designed to help protect them and keep them safe and well protected. They’re especially popular with outdoor electricity supplies because as you probably know, water I.E rain, and electricity do not mix. These enclosures are sealed and water tight, designed to protect the electricity supply against the elements.

Keep an Eye on Plugs and Sockets

Another great way of helping to stay safe whilst dealing with electricity is to manually keep an eye on the general condition of plugs and sockets. For example, is a socket or plus is loose, hanging from the wall, and has wires and internal elements exposed, it will need replacing and putting right. Again, if the plastic is melted or looks black or slightly burnt, this is again a warning sign and it should be rectified as soon as possible. On the flip-side, if plugs and sockets are firmly attached and in place, and look as good as new, as well as functioning as they’re supposed to be, this is a good sign.

Always use a Volt Finder when Nailing and Drilling into Walls

One of the most common causes of electric shocks, which can result in death, is from people nailing or drilling into their walls and going through an electrical wire. Before nailing, drilling, or making any holes in your walls, always use a good quality volt/current finder which will be able to test beneath the surface and tell you whether or not there are live wires close by.

Leave Things to the Experts

When dealing with electricity and electrical appliances, if you’re not sure or qualified to deal with live wire and currents, don’t do it and instead leave it to the professionals who know what they’re doing and have the right tools and equipment for the task at hand.